machine for packaging - High frequency welding machines, cutting plotters, PTFE welders, thermoforming machine, etfe welding machines

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BR 12 TS
Balacchi HF, BR12 TS automatic thermoforming machine with heating system through lamps and cooling system by air. It is one of the most popular thermoforming machine, compact, ecnomic and simple, but at the same time very efficient model that produces thermoforming blister from the material roll in very short  time. In its simplest form, can be used to heat small cut sections of plastic sheet and stretch it over a mold using vacuum. TBr12TS provides different packaging solutions to the user thanks to shortest conversion times and flexible equipment. Easy managing paneland high performances are its main features. We can modify and adjust mechines parameters if required at additional cost. There is always possibility to choose different working formats and use the personalised THERMOFORMING ELECTRODES produced by Balacchi.
thermoformed plastric shapes for different industry
thermoformed plastic dish for food industry
thermoformed container for food industry
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